
创建:2017年2月10日|最后更新:2020年1月15日|类别:   |  Tagged:

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(2月2日. 2017年9月10日-华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&朱莉叶·杜波尔(Juliet Duball)从小就喜欢海洋. 她迫不及待地想和家人一起去海滩度假,在那里她可以离开, 哪怕只是一小会儿, 她位于华盛顿内陆的家, Pa.,并了解海洋.

Fond memories and a continued fascination with the vast mystery that covers more than 70 percent of the planet finally led Juliet to the ultimate opportunity for self-exploration through the Magellan Project.

将她的兴趣引向当今世界生态系统面临的一个突出问题, 朱丽叶研究了佛罗里达群岛的珊瑚复原. 她了解到,自20世纪80年代初以来,珊瑚礁一直在减少, 并完成麦哲伦号, she hoped to find out more about the natural and human causes behind coral deterioration as well as what can be done to save them.

Upon arriving, Juliet set out to earn her scuba certification to conduct individual research through snorkeling and scuba diving the local reefs throughout the Keys. 她还在珊瑚恢复基金会做志愿者, 基拉戈的一个组织, Florida, 致力于教育社区, 保护和恢复整个地区的珊瑚礁, 推进科学研究和监测技术.

表面上和表面下, 朱丽叶看见海洋里到处都是从礁石上脱落下来的死珊瑚. 她协助珊瑚恢复基金会的工作人员和实习生进行他们目前的项目, she further learned about the different types of coral nurseries the Foundation is using to grow coral fragments to plant on the local reefs.

“My focus was to learn more about the destruction of the coral reefs and the efforts of coral rehabilitation to try to regrow them,” said Juliet. “我不知道人类对珊瑚礁的破坏有多大. 只要有人碰一下珊瑚,它就会死亡. There are several companies who charter boating trips to local reefs daily and tourists who enjoy diving down and touching the reef. 这是一个突出的问题, 除非被警告可能造成的损害, 他们在自己的道路上浑然不觉.”

除了人与人之间的互动, 她得知了白带病, cold events, 海胆都死了, coral bleaching, 白痘病, 而水质的退化也会影响珊瑚礁的退化.

At W&朱莉叶主修心理学和传播艺术双学位. The beauty of the Magellan Program is that it allowed her to explore her fascination with a subject she had never known much about, 这促使她继续探索这些激情.

“I plan to apply for the fulltime internship so I am able to continue working with the Coral Restoration Foundation next summer,” Juliet said. “那之后呢?, [I plan to] begin my masters at a school hopefully near the beach so I can find other places to volunteer and learn more about the ocean in my free time.”


2008年在华盛顿成立 & det365app’s unique Magellan Project extends liberal arts learning outside the classroom by providing scholarship funding for students to spend the summer pursuing independent projects and internships in the United States and abroad. 了解更多关于麦哲伦项目的信息&J website.


对华盛顿 & det365app

Washington & 杰斐逊学院位于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿.是一所建于1781年的文理学院. 致力于为每一位学生提供最高质量的本科教育, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. 欲了解更多关于W&J, visit ezyx1bfq.433969.com,或致电888-W-AND-JAY.